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  1. OMG Issue

C11 — Correct arguments to send multiple requests

  • Key: C11-83
  • Legacy Issue Number: 2534
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    Summary: Additional Commentary:

    In tset/c/hdr/DII/ORB/send_multiple_requests.c,
    VSOrb 1.1.0 test examines our orb on the assumption that
    send_multiple_requests() is defined like the following.

    CORBA_Status CORBA_send_multiple_requests(
    CORBA_ORB orb,
    CORBA_Request reqs[],
    CORBA_long count,
    CORBA_Flags invoke_flags,
    CORBA_Environment *env

    But, according to section 4.3.2 of CORBA 2.1 specification,
    send_multiple_requests() is defined like the following.

    /* C */
    CORBA_Status CORBA_send_multiple_requests(
    CORBA_Request reqs[],
    CORBA_Environment *env,
    CORBA_long count,
    CORBA_Flags invoke_flags

    Section C - Interpretation Responses

    The Open Group Initial Response:
    An interpretation from OMG is required to determine whether Section
    4.3.2 or Section 17.17 of CORBA 2.1 is definitive.

    Consultants Initial Response:
    We believe Section 4.3.2 is incorrect according to the general
    C mapping rules (as are many of the other examples). We are
    following rules defined in Section 17.17 which states that every
    function signature takes the object as the first parameter and an
    Environment object as the last parameter.

    Interpretations Subgroup Responses:

  • Reported: C 1.0b1 — Fri, 12 Mar 1999 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — C 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    urgent resolution....issue closed

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT