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  1. OMG Issue

BPMN2 — BPMN 2 FTF issue on XSDs for DD / DI model transfer

  • Key: BPMN2-83
  • Legacy Issue Number: 14423
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Fujitsu ( Tom Rutt)
  • Summary:

    XSD Schemas for transfer of Model instances of DI and DD Metamodels

    Source: Tom Rutt (Fujitsu)

    Location: BPMN 2.0 Beta 1 ­ Annex B

    Summary of Issue:

    In the current BPMN 2 spec, Model instances of the BPMN2 Metamodel have two
    alternate forms for transfer:

    • XMI derived directly from the BPMN 2 Metamodel
    • Instances of the BPMN XSD schemas defined in BPMN 2 spec.

    The current Annex B of the Beta 1 BPMN 2 spec defines metamodels for Diagram
    Interchange (DI) and Diagram Definition (DD). However there are no BPMN XSD
    schemas defined for the DI and DD metamodels. Thus, it seems that XMI derived
    from these DI and DD metamodels currently the only normative way defined to
    transfer Model instances of these metamodels?

    The current plan is that this Annex B will be replaced with a reference to the
    adopted DI spec.

    Resolving issue involves the FTF answering two questions:

    1) Is there a need to define “custom” XSD schemas, not based on XMI, as an
    alternative for transfer of DI and DD model instances.
    2) If the answer to question 1 is yes, will these “custom” XSD schemas be
    defined by the BPMN 2 FTF, or the DI submitters?

  • Reported: BPMN 2.0b1 — Wed, 16 Sep 2009 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — BPMN 2.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    8.3.13 page 115. Change "a Message is a graphical object" to "a Message is a graphical decorator"
    8.3.13 page 115. Remove the part after figure 8-28 where it talks that it can be used on choreography sub process
    8.3.13 page 115. Change "can be displayed as attached (Associated) to a Message Flow" to "can be optionnaly depicted as a graphical decorator on a Message
    Remove Figure 8-30 page 116
    8.3.13 page 116 - Under figure 8-31 change "can be displayed as Associated" to "can be depicted as a decorator"
    Remove the paragraph between Figure 8-32 and Figure 8-33
    Remove Figure 8-33 page 117
    Chapter 13 is to be replaced with the provided Chapter 13 in attached ZIP
    Annex B is to be replaced with the provided Annex B in attached ZIP
    BPMN DI schemas are to be replaced with the schemas provded in attached ZIP
    All files are included in the following zip file:
    Note on 2010-04-26:
    The FTF acknowldges the proposed namespace does not follow OMG guidelines for namespace conventions. The final namespaces will be:

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT