Key: BPMN2-282
Legacy Issue Number: 15139
Status: closed
Source: SAP SE ( Reiner Hille-Doering)
The spec mentions in chapter 12.4.1ff loops for choreography elements, such as ChoreographyTasks, but in the metamodel none caries a loopCharacteristics. Normal orchestration activities inherit the attribute from the “Activity” class, but ChoreographyActivity does not inherit from Activity.
Reported: BPMN 2.0b1 — Tue, 23 Mar 2010 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — BPMN 2.0
Disposition Summary:
(a) Add a new attribute named loopType the is of the type ChoreographyLoopType enumeration for a Choreography Task.
(b) Add a new enumeration named ChoreographyLoopType with four literals of None (default), Standard, MultiInstanceSequential, and MultiInstanceParallel
(c) Update Figure 12.6 to include these changes
Add a new row to Table 12.2 :
(d) The first column of the new row should contain:
"loopType: ChoreographyLoopType = None"
(e) The second column of the new row should contain:
"A Choreography Activity may be performed once or may be repeated. The loopType attribute will determine the appropriate marker for the Choreography Activity
(see below)."
Section 12.4.1, Page 318 (348 pdf):
(f) 3rd bullet on page: change "two (2)" to "three (3)"
(g) 4th bullet on page: add the following to the end of the bullet: "The loopType of the Choreography Task MUST be Standard"
(h) 5th bullet on page: change "multi-instance" to "parallel multi-instance"
5th bullet on page: add the following to the end of the bullet: "The loopType of the Choreography Task MUST be MultiInstanceParallel."
(j) Add a new bullet after the 5th bullet with the following: "The marker for a Choreography Task that is sequential multi-instance MUST be a set of three horizontal
lines. The loopType of the Choreography Task MUST be MultiInstanceSequential."
(k) Update Figure 12.12 to show the sequential multi-instance marker.
(l) Caption for Figure 12.14: Change "Multi-Instance" to "Parallel Multi-Instance"
Section 12.4.2, Page 324 (354 pdf):
(m) 3rd bullet on page: change "two (2)" to "three (3)"
4th bullet on page: add the following to the end of the bullet: "The loopType of the Choreography Sub-Process MUST be Standard."
(o) 5th bullet on page: change "multi-instance" to "parallel multi-instance"
(p) 5th bullet on page: add the following to the end of the bullet: "The loopType of the Choreography Sub-Process MUST be MultiInstanceParallel."
(q) Add a new bullet after the 5th bullet with the following: "The marker for a Choreography Sub-Process that is sequential multi-instance MUST be a set of three
horizontal lines. The loopType of the Choreography Sub-Process MUST be MultiInstanceSequential."
(r) Update Figure 12.22 to show the sequential multi-instance marker.
(s) Section 12.4.5: add the following to the end of the first paragraph: "Examples of Choreography Activities with the appropriate markers can be seen in Figure 12.12
and Figure 12.22"
(t) Table 12.11 Choreography Activity XML Schema: Add the following:
"<xsd:attribute name="loopType" type="tChoreographyLoopType" default="Standard"/>
<xsd:simpleType name="tChoreographyLoopType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="Standard"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="MultiInstanceSequential"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="MultiInstanceParallel"/>
Disposition: Resolved -
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT
BPMN2 — Missing loopCharacteristics for Choreography stuff in MM
- Key: BPMN2-282
- OMG Task Force: BPMN 2.0 FTF