Key: BPMN2-279
Legacy Issue Number: 15122
Status: closed
Source: Intalio, Inc. ( Tammo van Lessen)
In 14.1, process instantiation is described. The possibilities described there are message start events and an event based gateway with out incoming sequence flow. However, on page 139, the receive task is described to be capable to instantiate process instance as well. Also the metamodel describes the "instantiate" attribute for that task.
I suggest to add a paragraph to 14.1 that describes the instantiating behavior of a receive task.
In addition, is it intentional that in "In order for the Task to Instantiate the Process it must meet one of the following conditions" on p139, "Instantiate" is written with a capital I?
Reported: BPMN 2.0b1 — Mon, 8 Mar 2010 05:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — BPMN 2.0
Disposition Summary:
The resolution of issue 14799 will resolve this issue.
Disposition: Duplicate -
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT
BPMN2 — Receive Task is not mentioned as an instantiating element
- Key: BPMN2-279
- OMG Task Force: BPMN 2.0 FTF