Key: BPMN2-269
Legacy Issue Number: 15087
Status: closed
Source: International Business Machines ( Ms. Suzette Samoojh)
Consider a process with a Data Object and a Subprocess. The subprocess has an activity. Can you draw a data association from the data object (in the process) directly to the activity (in the subprocess).
- The introduction of Data Inputs/Outputs for subprocesses implies you should always go through the Data Inputs/Outputs. That is, you must draw the data association from the Data Object to the subprocess Data Input, and then draw another data association from the subprocess Data Input to the Activity inside the subprocess.
- But then page 216 states that the data object is 'visible' to the subprocess and the activity inside the subprocess, which implies the activity can access it directly without necessarily going through the subprocess data input.
So, two different means of doing the same thing, with likely different tools assuming/supporting one or the other or both.
Reported: BPMN 2.0b1 — Thu, 25 Feb 2010 05:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — BPMN 2.0
Disposition Summary:
This issue has the same resolution as OMG 14817 (14817)
Disposition: Duplicate -
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT
BPMN2 — Contradictory/redundant handing of data and subprocesses
- Key: BPMN2-269
- OMG Task Force: BPMN 2.0 FTF