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BPMN2 — Inconsistent/confusing statements around CallActivities and IOSpecifications

  • Key: BPMN2-239
  • Legacy Issue Number: 14921
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: International Business Machines ( Ms. Suzette Samoojh)
  • Summary:

    Does a CallActivity own data inputs, outputs, etc? And when you draw a data association to/from a CallActivity, is the data association connecting to/from data inputs and outputs of the CallActivity or data inputs and outputs of the CallableElement?

    PDF pg 196 states that "Call Activities must not define their own data inputs, InputSets, and outputs, OutputSets but use the data inputs, InputSets, and outputs, OutputSets defined in the referenced CallableElement"

    This reads like CallActivities don't own data inputs/outputs of their own.

    But then PDF pg 225 states that "... the data inputs and outputs of the Call Activity must match with the data inputs, inputsets and outputs, outputsets defined in the callable element".

    This explicitly states that a CallActivity does own data inputs, etc. So then what's the meaning behind the statements on PDF pg 196?

  • Reported: BPMN 2.0b1 — Wed, 6 Jan 2010 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — BPMN 2.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    a) in section 10.2.6 Call Activity, replace the following paragrah:
    "Since Call Activities rely in the CallableElement being invoked (see Figure 10.40), Call Activities must not define their own data inputs, InputSets, and outputs,
    OutputSets but use the data inputs, InputSets, and outputs, OutputSets defined in the referenced CallableElement."
    with this one:
    "A CallActivity must fullfil the data requirements, as well as return the data produced by the CallableElement being invoked (see Figure 10.40). This means that the
    elements contained in the CallActivity's InputOutputSpecification must exactly match the elements containes in the referenced CallableElement. This includes
    DataInputs, DataOutputs, InputSets and OutputSets."
    b) in section 10.3.1 Data Modeling (Call Activity Mapping) replace the following paragraph:
    "Since Call Activities rely in the callable element being invoked, the data inputs and outputs of the Call Activity must match with the data inputs, inputsets and outputs,
    outputsets defined in the callable element. The data inputs and outputs of the Call Activity are mapped to the corresponding data inputs and output of the Callable
    Element without any explicit data association."
    with this one:
    "The DataInputs and DataOutputs of the CallActivity are mapped to the corresponding elements in the CallableElement without any explicit data association."
    Disposition: Resolved

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT