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BPMN2 — Enabling multiple events at the same time for the same message

  • Key: BPMN2-201
  • Legacy Issue Number: 14782
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: NIST ( Mr. Conrad Bock)
  • Summary:

    When multiple message events for the same message (payload type) are
    enabled at the same time ("executed" at the same time), can they
    receive the same transmitted message? For example, suppose a process
    has parallel gateways resulting in two message events for an Order
    message being executed at the same time. If an order message is sent
    at execution time, can it be received by both message events?

  • Reported: BPMN 2.0b1 — Mon, 23 Nov 2009 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — BPMN 2.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Change text in section "14.2.3 Task":
    Receive Task: Upon instantiation, the Receive Task begins waiting for the associated Message. When the Message arrives, the Receive Task completes.
    Receive Task: Upon instantiation, the Receive Task begins waiting for the associated Message. When a message with the right correlation information for that process
    instance arrives, the Receive Task completes. For key-based correlation, only a single receive for a given correlation key can be active, and thus the message matches
    at most one process instance. For predicate-based correlation, the message can be passed to multiple receive tasks.
    Change text in section "14.4.2 Intermediate Events"
    For Intermediate Events, the handling consists of waiting for the Event to occur. Waiting starts when the Intermediate Event is reached. Once the Event occurs, it is
    consumed. Sequence flow leaving the Event is followed as usual.
    For Intermediate Events, the handling consists of waiting for the Event to occur. Waiting starts when the Intermediate Event is reached. Once the Event occurs, it is
    consumed. Sequence flow leaving the Event is followed as usual.
    For intermediate message catch events, the message correlation behavior is the same as for receive tasks – see section "14.2.3 Task".
    Change text in section "14.4.3 Intermediate Boundary Events"
    For boundary Events, handling first consists of consuming the Event occurrence. If the cancelActivity attribute is set, the Activity the Event is attached to is then
    cancelled (in case of a multi-instance, all its instances are cancelled); if the attribute is not set, the Activity continues execution (only possible for Message, Signal, Timer,
    and Conditional Events, not for Error Events). Execution then follows the Sequence Flow connected to the boundary Event.
    For boundary Events, handling first consists of consuming the Event occurrence. If the cancelActivity attribute is set, the Activity the Event is attached to is then
    cancelled (in case of a multi-instance, all its instances are cancelled); if the attribute is not set, the Activity continues execution (only possible for Message, Signal, Timer,
    and Conditional Events, not for Error Events). Execution then follows the Sequence Flow connected to the boundary Event.
    For intermediate boundary message events, the message correlation behavior is the same as for receive tasks – see section "14.2.3 Task".
    Change text in section "14.4.4 Event Sub-Processes"
    A non-interrupting Event Sub-Process becomes initiated, and thus Enabled and Running, through the Activity to which it is attached. The non-interrupting Event
    Handler may only be initiated after the parent Activity is Running. More than one non-interrupting Event Handler may be initiated and they may be initiated at different
    times. There might be multiple instances of the non-interrupting Event Handler at a time.
    A non-interrupting Event Sub-Process becomes initiated, and thus Enabled and Running, through the Activity to which it is attached. The non-interrupting Event
    Handler may only be initiated after the parent Activity is Running. More than one non-interrupting Event Handler may be initiated and they may be initiated at different
    times. There might be multiple instances of the non-interrupting Event Handler at a time.
    For Event Sub-Processes triggered via message start events, the message correlation behavior is the same as for receive tasks – see section "14.2.3 Task".
    Disposition: Resolved

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT