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BPMN2 — The Category section has incorrect/inconsistent content

  • Key: BPMN2-154
  • Legacy Issue Number: 14706
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: International Business Machines ( Ms. Suzette Samoojh)
  • Summary:

    It states that the name of the Category provides the label for the Group. And yet Category does not have a name attribute. So where is the name coming from.

    Also, given that Group references CategoryValue (and not Category), shoudn't the Group label be the CategoryValue.value, rather than the Category name? In Figure 8-14, what is "Handle Medicine" ... is it a Category name or a CategoryValue.value?

  • Reported: BPMN 2.0b1 — Fri, 20 Nov 2009 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — BPMN 2.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Beta 1, August 2009 (pdf version)
    (a) Page 59: Change
    "The Group object is an Artifact that provides a visual mechanism to group elements of a diagram informally. The grouping is tied to the Category supporting element
    (which is an attribute of all BPMN elements). That is, a Group is a visual depiction of a single Category. The graphical elements within the Group will be assigned the
    Category of the Group. (Note – Categories can be highlighted through other mechanisms, such as color, as defined by a modeler or a modeling tool)."
    "The Group object is an Artifact that provides a visual mechanism to group elements of a diagram informally. The grouping is tied to the CategoryValue supporting
    element. That is, a Group is a visual depiction of a single CategoryValue. The graphical elements within the Group will be assigned the CategoryValue of the Group.
    (Note – CategorieValues can be highlighted through other mechanisms, such as color, as defined by a modeler or a modeling tool)."
    (b) Figure 8.14 - no change required
    (c) Figure 8.15 - The Group class diagram
    Add attribute "name" of type sting to class "Category". Change "categoryRef" to "categoryValueRef".

    • Update the XSD file accordingly.
      (d) Page 60:
      "The Group element inherits the attributes and model associations of BaseElement (see Table 8.5)."
      "The Group element inherits the attributes and model associations of BaseElement (see Table 8.5) through its relationship to Artifact."
      (e) Table 8.21 - Group model associations
      categoryRef: Category [0..1]
      categoryValueRef: CategoryValue [0..1]
    • Update the XSD file accordingly.
      Change: "The categoryRef attribute specifies the Category that the Group represents (Further details about the definition of a Category can be found on page 92). The
      name of the Category provides the label for the Group. The graphical elements within the boundaries of the Group will be assigned the Category."
      "The categoryValueRef attribute specifies the CategoryValue that the Group represents (Further details about the definition of a Category and Category Value can be
      found on page 92 ). The label of the Group is provided by the value of the CategoryValue, optionally prepended by the Category name and delineator ":". The
      graphical elements within the boundaries of the Group will be assigned the CategoryValue."
      (f) Page 60:
      "Groups are one way in which Categories of objects can be visually displayed on the diagram. That is, a Group is a visual depiction of a single Category. The graphical
      elements within the Group will be assigned the Category of the Group. The Category name appears on the diagram as the Group label."
      "Groups are one way in which Categories of objects can be visually displayed on the diagram. That is, a Group is a visual depiction of a single CategoryValue. The
      graphical elements within the Group will be assigned the CategoryValue of the Group. The value of CategoryValue, optionally prepended by the Category name and
      delineator ":", appears on the diagram as the Group label. "
      (g) Table 8.22 Category model associations
      Add row:
      Atttribute: name: string
      Description: The descriptive name of the element.
      (h) Page 61
      "The Category element inherits the attributes and model associations of BaseElement (see Table 8.5). Table 8.23 displays the attributes and model associations of the
      CategoryValue element."
      "The CategoryValue element inherits the attributes and model associations of BaseElement (see Table 8.5). Table 8.23 displays the attributes and model associations of
      the CategoryValue element."
      Disposition: Resolved
  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT