Key: BPMN2-143
Legacy Issue Number: 14692
Status: closed
Source: International Business Machines ( Ms. Suzette Samoojh)
Need to revisit and test the process example in the spec (Figure 7-8). I'm not convinced this example 'works'.
Some immediate concerns:
- Process Parts does not have any data output. So I'm not sure what the conditional sequence flow out of it would evaluate against.
- The 'artifact extensions' appear to be used like data-aware elements, but they're not really.
I'd suggest we validate the example further.
Reported: BPMN 2.0b1 — Thu, 19 Nov 2009 05:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — BPMN 2.0
Disposition Summary:
Replace Figure 7.8 with the figure shown here:
To address the first concern, a data output has been introduced to the sub-process 'Procure Parts', which the conditional sequence flow can now evaluate against.
The artifact extension 'Order Folder' and the associations connected to it have been substituted by two data associations from the data objects 'Assemblies (1..n)' and
'Invoice' to the human task 'Send Assemblies & Invoice to Customer'.
This usage of an artifact extension is possible, but miss-leading, because it suggests that the artifact is a data object connected via data associations. However, a data
association can only connect a data object with an activity or event, but not data objects with each other. See also page 198 (230): 'The DataAssociation class is a
BaseElement contained by an Activity or Event, [...]'
All remaining artifact extensions have also been removed.
Besides this, we made some minor layout improvements that did not change the semantics.
Disposition: Resolved -
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT
BPMN2 — Need to revisit and test the process example in the spec (Figure 7-8)
- Key: BPMN2-143
- OMG Task Force: BPMN 2.0 FTF