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BPMN2 — Subprocess / CallActivity switch

  • Key: BPMN2-114
  • Legacy Issue Number: 14650
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: NIST ( Mr. Conrad Bock)
  • Summary:

    Section 10.4.2 (Start Event) uses the BPMN 1.x term "subprocess" to
    include called processes. In BPMN 2 "subprocess" means embedded. See
    Table 10-78 (Sub-Process Start Event Types) and under the heading "Start
    Event Triggers". Might be in other places also.

  • Reported: BPMN 2.0b1 — Thu, 19 Nov 2009 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — BPMN 2.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    (a) Section 13.2.5, Sub-Section CalledSubProcessShape, Page 383 (412 pdf): Replace the first paragraph with the following: "A Call Activity is used for invoking a
    global Process. It has the same symbol as the subprocess (embedded). Expanding the Call Activity should display the called Process."
    (b) Table 13.13 - CalledSubProcessShape , first row, second column: replace contents of column with the following: "A reference to another BPMN diagram defining
    the details of the called Global Process. "
    (c) Table 13.13 - CalledSubProcessShape styles: , first row, second column: replace contents of column with the following: "Indicates whether the Call Activity is
    expanded or collapsed."
    Section 10.4.2 Start Event
    (d) First bullet below Figure 10.67 Start Event, page 214 (244 pdf): Replace "or an expanded Sub-Process" with ", a Sub-Process (embedded), or a Global Process
    (called Process)"
    (e) First paragraph after first bullet below Figure 10.67 Start Event, page 214 (244 pdf): Replace the first sentence of the paragraph with the following: "Note - A
    Process may have more than one Process level (i.e., it can include Expanded Sub-Processes or Call Activities that call other Processes)."
    (f) Page 215 (245 pdf), First paragraph after the bullets: Replace the paragraph with the following: "If the Process is used as a Global Process (callable Process that
    can be invoke from Call Activities of other Processes) and there are multiple None Start Events, then when flow is transferred from the parent Process to the Global
    Process (child Process), only one of the Global Process's Start Events will be triggered. The TargetRef attribute of the Sequence Flow incoming to the Global Process
    object can be extended to identify the appropriate Start Event."
    Sub-Section Start Event Triggers, page 215 (245 pdf)
    (g) Second bullet: delete " and called (reusable)"
    (h) Add new bullet after second bullet with the following: "Global Processes (called)
    Sub-Section Start Events for Top-level Processes: add new paragraph after the first paragraph with the following: "A top-level that has at least one (1) None Start
    Event MAY be called by a Call Activity in another Process. The None Start Event is used for invoking the Process from the Call Activity. All other types of Start
    Events are only applicable when the Process is used as a top-level Process."
    Section 10.4.3 End Event
    (j) Page 222 (252 pdf), second bullet on page: delete "top-level" from first sentence.
    (k) Page 222 (252 pdf), first paragraph after bullets: replace first sentence of the paragraph with the following: "Note - A Process may have more than one Process
    level (i.e., it can include Expanded Sub-Processes or a Call Activities that call other Processes)."
    Disposition: Resolved

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT