Key: BPMN11-91
Legacy Issue Number: 9615
Status: open
Source: BPM Advantage Consulting ( Dr. Stephen White)
The BPMN 1.0 version of the Exclusive Gateway merging (either data or event Gateways) acts as a "pass through" for any Tokens that arrive. This means that there is no "exclusiveness" to the merging as the name of the Gateway would imply. A "discriminator" merging that allows the first Token through and stops any further (parallel) Tokens is a business pattern that cannot be currently modeled. This functionality should either replace the current merging behavior or be added to the behavior.
Reported: BPMN 1.0b1 — Fri, 28 Apr 2006 04:00 GMT
Updated: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 01:55 GMT