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BPMN11 — The list of supporting objects in B.11 is incomplete

  • Key: BPMN11-33
  • Legacy Issue Number: 9717
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Thematix Partners LLC ( Mr. Edward J. Barkmeyer)
  • Summary:

    Doc: dtc/06-02-01
    Date: February 2006
    Version: Final Adopted Specification
    Chapter: B.11
    Pages: 101
    Nature: Editorial
    Severity: minor


    The list of supporting object types in B.11 does not include the following:
    Gate, which is actually documented under Gateway
    Input set, which is documented under Process
    Output set, which is documented under Process
    Trigger, which is documented under Event.

    Each of these supporting objects, together with its proper attributes (extracted from wherever it is documented), should be included in B.11.


    Add 4 subsections to B.11:

    Before B.11.4 (Message), add:

    B.11.a Gate, with the following attributes:

    "Outgoing SequenceFlow: SequenceFlow
    Each Gate SHALL have one associated Sequence Flow. The constraints on the SequenceFlow depend on the kind of Gateway.

    "Assignments (0..n): Assignment
    One or more assignment expressions MAY be made for each Gate. The
    Assignment SHALL be performed when the Gate is selected. The details of
    Assignment is defined in the Section B.11.1, "Assignment," on page 268."

    B.11.b Input(Set), with the following attributes:

    "Inputs (1-n) : Artifact
    One or More Inputs SHALL be defined for each InputSet. An Input is an Artifact, usually a Document Object."

    Before B.11.6 (Participant), add:

    B.11.c Output(Set), with the following attributes:

    "Outputs (1-n) : Artifact
    One or more Outputs MUST be defined for each OutputSet. An Output is an
    Artifact, usually a Document Object."

    Before B.11.11 (Webservice), add:

    B.11.d Trigger, with the following attributes:

    Trigger (None | Message | Timer | Rule | Link | Multiple) None : String
    Trigger defines the type of trigger, and determines what other attributes are permitted or required. The Trigger list MAY be extended to include new types.

    [Message Trigger only]
    Message : Message
    If the Trigger is a Message, then the Message SHALL be specified. (See B.11.4).

    [Message Trigger only]
    Implementation (Web Service | Other | Unspecified) Web Service : String
    This attribute specifies the technology that will be used to receive the message. A Web service is the default technology.

    [Timer Trigger only]
    TimeDate (0-1) : Date
    If the Trigger is a Timer, then a Date MAY be specified. The TimeDate specifies the point in time at which the Timer Event will occur. If a TimeDate is not specified, then a TimeCycle SHALL be specified (see the attribute below).

    [Timer Trigger only]
    TimeCycle (0-1) : String
    If the Trigger is a Timer, then a TimeCycle MAY be specified. The TimeCycle specifies the elapsed time between TimerEvents. If a TimeCycle is not
    specified, then a TimeDate MUST be specified (see the attribute above).

    [Rule Trigger only]
    RuleName : Rule
    If the Trigger is a Rule, then the triggering Rule SHALL be specified. (See B.11.9) The Rule specifies the observable state of affairs that triggers the RuleEvent.

    [Link Trigger only]
    LinkId : String
    If the Trigger is a Link, then the LinkId SHALL be specified. The LinkId specifies the name of the Link (signal) that triggers the LinkEvent when it is presented by the Process designated by the ProcessRef attribute (see below).

    [Link Trigger only]
    ProcessRef : Process
    If the Trigger is a Link, then the ProcessRef SHALL be specified. ProcessRef specifies the Process that is the source of the Link (signal) for which the Trigger is waiting. The identified Process MAY be the same Process as that of the Link Event.

  • Reported: BPMN 1.0b1 — Fri, 12 May 2006 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — BPMN 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    see above

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:57 GMT