BACM 1.1b1 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

BACM11 — Customer Causation tagging of Outcomes

  • Key: BACM11-45
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Thematix Partners LLC ( Mr. James Rhyne)
  • Summary:

    The BACM allows definition of an Outcome that is needed by a Capability and/or is an entryCriteria for a ValueStreamStage. Such an outcome can often be identified with a causation agent that is external to the organization. A modeler could resolve this by inventing a Capability (e.g. responsible for having a Customer create an order for a Product) that is in the external stakeholder environment and not in the enterprise environment. Alternatively, a new association could be created allowing such Outcomes to be associated with a Customer and indicating causation.

  • Reported: BACM 1.0b2 — Thu, 4 Apr 2024 15:55 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 5 Jul 2024 00:29 GMT