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Information Exchange Packaging Policy Vocabulary (IEPPV) FTF — Closed Issues

  • Key: IEPPV
  • Issues Count: 4
Open Closed All
Issues resolved by a task force and approved by Board

Issues Summary

Key Issue Reported Fixed Disposition Status
IEPPV-4 Additional Editorial Changes IEPPV 1.0b1 IEPPV 1.0 Resolved closed
IEPPV-3 Domain Model IEPPV 1.0b1 IEPPV 1.0 Resolved closed
IEPPV-2 Editorial changes (2) IEPPV 1.0b1 IEPPV 1.0 Resolved closed
IEPPV-1 Editorial issue 1 IEPPV 1.0b1 IEPPV 1.0 Resolved closed

Issues Descriptions

Additional Editorial Changes

  • Key: IEPPV-4
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19494
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Advanced Systems Management Group Ltd. ( Mr. Michael Abramson)
  • Summary:

    . Annex E Scope:
    Note: The terms (stereotypes) users in the two models are equivalent and provide for the one to one mapping presented below.
    ‘Users’ should be ‘used’. Also, I’d use ‘one-to-one’ for readability/
    2. Figure E.3 – Information Exchange Specification : Text of the note at the bottom right : “Each of these data-sets can be assembled if and distributed….” Delete ‘if’.
    3. Page E8: “By using a FilteredSemanticElement, only one pattern needs to be deployed and specific reporting pattern can be established at runtime.” I would add ‘the’ between ‘and’ and ‘specific reporting pattern’.
    4. Page E10: (2nd paragraph)
    “The Organization_Item illustrates difference between the SOPES IEDM models and the IEPPV.” – pluralize ‘difference’

    “The additions of constraints assisted in the generation” - - singularize ‘additions’

    “in the IEPPV can be extended, using standards UML constructs, to address specific domain requirements.” - singularize ‘standards’

    5. Figure E.9 – note on left side:
    “It The Stereotype (Wrapper)…” – delete ‘It’.
    “The Wrapper or WrapperElements makes direct reference…” – singularize ‘makes’
    “and connects the assemble rules…” - change to ‘assembly’
    Fix “environement”

    6. Figure E.9 - Note on right side:
    “may mirror the structure of and exchange Schema” – change ‘and’ to ‘an’

    Minor editorial changes that were modified and follows:
    1. Accepted and changed
    2. Accepted and changed
    3. Accepted and changed
    4. Accepted and changed
    5. Accepted and changed
    6. Accepted and changed
    Revised Text:
    As described in the issue summary.

  • Reported: IEPPV 1.0b1 — Thu, 10 Jul 2014 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — IEPPV 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Minor editorial changes that were modified and follows:
    1. Accepted and changed
    2. Accepted and changed
    3. Accepted and changed
    4. Accepted and changed
    5. Accepted and changed
    6. Accepted and changed

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT

Domain Model

  • Key: IEPPV-3
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19493
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Advanced Systems Management Group Ltd. ( Mr. Michael Abramson)
  • Summary:

    The domain model (Informational) diagram “C.5 - Information Message Specification” did support the CP-2a the option as originally intended.
    Diagram was modified to enable the option of either an “InformationPackageSpecification” or an “FilteredSemanticElement”. The Domain Model provided in this Annex was provided as guidance (informational) to tool vendors: how policy data might be stored – it is assumed that vendors would map the model to their own internal data structures and add elements (attributes/tags/labels) that enhance operational efficiencies.

  • Reported: IEPPV 1.0b1 — Thu, 10 Jul 2014 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — IEPPV 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    The model was updated to accommodate the option of either one or more “InformationPackageSpecification” (CP2b &c) or “FilteredSemanticElement” (CP-2a). The whole section was replace to simplify the edit process.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT

Editorial changes (2)

  • Key: IEPPV-2
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19492
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Advanced Systems Management Group Ltd. ( Mr. Michael Abramson)
  • Summary:

    The FTF initiated a review of the entire document for editorial issues. The changes made to the document are itemized in Attachment 1 to this report and in the Marked up version of the Beta 1 specification.
    All identified editorial are documented in Annex A to this document

  • Reported: IEPPV 1.0b1 — Thu, 10 Jul 2014 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — IEPPV 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    All identified editorial changes are documented in Annex A to this document

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT

Editorial issue 1

  • Key: IEPPV-1
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19491
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Advanced Systems Management Group Ltd. ( Mr. Michael Abramson)
  • Summary:

    Reorganization the Annexes. Annex A moved to the end of the document.
    Annexes reorganized:
    1. Annex A became Annex G;
    2. Annex B became Annex A;
    3. Annex C became Annex B;
    4. Annex D became Annex C;
    5. Annex E became Annex D;
    6. Annex F became Annex E;
    7. Annex G became Annex F;
    Page, Figure and Table Numbers and references corrected.

  • Reported: IEPPV 1.0b1 — Thu, 10 Jul 2014 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — IEPPV 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Reorganize the Annexes. Annex A moved to the end of the document. The other annexes were then renumbered.
    Annexes reorganized:
    1. Annex A became Annex G;
    2. Annex B became Annex A;
    3. Annex C became Annex B;
    4. Annex D became Annex C;
    5. Annex E became Annex D;
    6. Annex F became Annex E;
    7. Annex G became Annex F;
    Page, Figure and Table Numbers and references corrected.

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT