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Application Instrumentation 1.0 FTF 2 — Closed Issues

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Issues resolved by a task force and approved by Board

Issues Descriptions

XMI model (c4i/13-09-06) doesn't model Array types correctly

  • Key: APPINST-5
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Real-Time Innovations ( Mr. Andrea Sorbini)
  • Summary:

    The XMI model (file c4i/13-09-06) does not correctly model arguments and function parameters that are meant to be arrays.

    An example can be found at line 258:

    <ownedParameter xmi:id="EAID_RT000000_5B50_404d_861C_A9E007E4ECB7" name="return" type="EAnone_ObservableObject___" direction="return"/>

    The type is shown as "ObservableObject [ ]" in the UML diagram, but it was translated into an "anonymous type" by the modelling tool.

    These invalid references must be replaced by the ID of the intended element type (e.g. the ID of "ObservableObject"), and the array nature must be modelled by setting the multiplicity of each array attribute or parameter to 0..*

  • Reported: APP-INST 1.0b1 — Tue, 3 Nov 2015 05:06 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — APP-INST 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Fix invalid type identifiers for Array types in XMI model

    The invalid type identifiers described by issue APPINST-5 have been replaced by valid references to the expected array types in the normative XMI model.

    Resolution for this issue required changes to be applied to the UML model, created in Enterprise Architect. These changes were applied together with those required by resolution APPINST-7.

    The offending elements were identified by inspecting document c4i/13-09-06 in search of XML elements which presented a value for their type attribute that matched the regular expression:


    These elements were modified in Enterprise Architect so that they would reference the correct type for their elements. The functionalities provided by the tool were used to mark each element as an array.

    After performing modifications for APPINST-7, the resulting UML model was exported to an XMI file, which was modified according to APPINST-6 and APPINST-8.

    The final version of the document is attached to this resolution as omg_appinst_pim.xmi and it resolves issues APPINST-1, APPINST-2, APPINST-5, and APPINST-9.

    Change Log

    The regeneration of the XML from the updated UML model replaces the references to undefined types with names such as "EAnone_XXX" with the proper GUIDs "EAID_XXX" to existing types in the model.

  • Updated: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:05 GMT
  • Attachments:

XMI model (c4i/13-09-06) uses incorrect base URI when referencing UML primitive types

XMI model (c4i/13-09-06) contains invalid type identifiers

  • Key: APPINST-2
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Real-Time Innovations ( Mr. Andrea Sorbini)
  • Summary:

    The XMI model (file c4i/13-09-06) makes use of incorrect type identifiers, which point to "anonymous types" defined by Enterprise Architect.

    An example of this is can be found at line 14:

    <ownedParameter xmi:id="EAID_9B162F37_72E7_4fd2_9E2B_B1DEA8914167" name="obj" type="EAnone_ObservableObject" isUnique="false"/>

    These errors were caused by misuse of the modelling tool, which produced anonymous types whenever the name of a type was input directly into the definition of an attribute or function parameter, instead of selecting it from a list of all the types currently defined by the model.

    The offending type identifiers must be replaced with correct references, which use the machine-readable ID assigned to each type.

  • Reported: APP-INST 1.0b1 — Wed, 28 Oct 2015 00:09 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — APP-INST 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Fix invalid type identifiers in XMI model

    The invalid type identifiers described by issue APPINST-2 have been replaced by valid references to the expected types in the normative XMI model.

    In order to achieve this, the UML model, created in Enterprise Architect, was modified and an XMI model was re-generated from it.

    Offending elements were identified by inspecting document c4i/13-09-06 in search of XML elements which presented a value for their type attribute that matched the regular expression:


    The corresponding elements of the Enterprise Architect UML model, typically a function parameter, were then modified in the modelling tool to reference the correct type and avoid generation of "anonymous types".

    Changes in the UML model resulted in valid type references to be inserted in the XMI model generated by Enterprise Architect.

    Change Log

    The regeneration of the XML from the updated UML model replaces the references to undefined types with names such as "EAnone_XXX" with the proper GUIDs "EAID_XXX" to existing types in the model.

    Updated Normative Document

    Changes required to fix issue APPINST-2 have been consolidated with those required to resolve issues APPINST-1, APPINST-5, and APPINST-9. For this reason, no updated document is attached to this resolution.
    Document omg_appinst_pim.xmi, attached to resolution APPINST-8 (which resolves APPINST-5), is the updated normative XMI document which should be used to verify the changes proposed by this resolution.

  • Updated: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:05 GMT

XMI model (c4i/13-09-06) contains invalid proprietary extensions

  • Key: APPINST-1
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Real-Time Innovations ( Mr. Andrea Sorbini)
  • Summary:

    The current XMI model file (c4i/13-09-06) does not conform with the XMI 2.4.1 standard because it makes use of a proprietary namespace, EAUML, which invalidates the document's compliance with the standard.

    The namespace is defined on the document's root by the following attribute:


    The EAUML namespace is only used at the end of the document to define three EAUML::enumeration elements.

    The purpose of the namespace and these elements is unclear and they must not be present in the final version of the XMI model published with the specification.

  • Reported: APP-INST 1.0b1 — Wed, 28 Oct 2015 00:04 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — APP-INST 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Remove proprietary extensions from XMI model

    The proprietary extensions described by issue APPINST-1 have been removed from the normative XMI document.

    Extensions were manually edited out of the XMI file generated by Enterprise Architect from the UML model of the specification.

    Change Log

    The following modifications were applied with respect to document c4i/13-09-06.

    Line 2

    The xmlns:EAUML attribute was removed from element xmi:XMI.

    Lines 979-981

    The three EAUML:enumeration elements defined at lines 979, 980, and 981 were deleted.

    Updated Normative Document

    Changes required to fix issue APPINST-1 have been consolidated with those required to resolve issues APPINST-2, APPINST-5, and APPINST-9. For this reason, no updated document is attached to this resolution.
    Document omg_appinst_pim.xmi, attached to resolution APPINST-9 (which resolves APPINST-5), is the updated normative XMI document which should be used to verify the changes proposed by this resolution.

  • Updated: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:05 GMT