I think there is a problem with inconsistent use of 'narrower' and 'more specific' in categories' categorization.
On page 72 in table you have these sentences:
broader assessment category categorizes more specific assessment category ---- BroaderAssessmentCategoryCategorizesNarrowerAssessmentCategory
broader desired result category includes more specific desired result category ---- BroaderDesiredResultCategoryIncludesMoreSpecficDesiredResultCategory <-->[incorrect word 'includes' I send in another Bug/Issue]
broader influencer category categorizes more specific influencer category ---- BroaderInfluencerCategoryCategorizesNarrowerInfluencerCategory
broader organization category categorizes more specific organization category ---- BroaderOrganizationCategoryCategorizesNarrowerOrganizationCategory
On page 58 you have these sentences:
Broader Desired Result Category categorizes Narrower Desired Result Category
Broader Assessment Category categorizes Narrower Assessment Category
Broader Organization Category categorizes Narrower Organization Category
Broader Influencer [Category] categorizes Narrower Influencer Category <-->[lacking of word 'Category' I send in another Bug/Issue]
In section 9.2 'Concepts' you have these main concepts:
broader assessment category categorizes narrower assessment category
broader desired result category categorizes more specific desired result [category] <-->[lacking of word 'category' I send in another Bug/Issue]
broader influencer category categorizes narrower influencer category
broader organization category categorizes narrower organization category
And of course Figure 7.3 on page 18.
So as you can see there is inconsistent use of word 'narrower' and 'most specific'. There is a mix of combinations.
I know that this is 'almost the same' but I think the whole documentation should have one choosed version.