OMG Bug/Issue Reporting Form

All OMG specifications are subject to continuous review and improvement. As part of this process, we encourage readers to report any ambiguities, inconsistencies or inaccuracies they may find in our specifications. Please use this form to submit a report to OMG about the problem you have found, being as precise as possible. If the problem is preventing you from implementing software based on the specification, please note that in the description and flag the severity as "critical". If you would like to propose a solution to the problem, please include that in your description as well. Thanks for helping us achieve the highest possible quality in our specifications.

About you:

If you are an OMG Member you can login and your user information will be used. Log in JIRA

Please enter your personal details in the fields below.


Intellectual Property Rights Agreement:

Most submitted issues and bug reports raise no intellectual property issues at all, but since some may, we need to be sure that our specification, once corrected, may be used freely by OMG and anyone who downloads it. We therefore ask that you agree to the same Intellectual Property Rights terms as the original authors of the specification.

By selecting "I agree" below, you:

  1. Certify that you are not aware of any claim that your submission would, if incorporated into the relevant OMG specification, infringe any patent, copyright or other intellectual property rights of any person.
  2. Grant OMG (and its sub licensees) a worldwide, royalty-free license to edit, store, duplicate and distribute both the specification (as corrected) and works derived from it (such as revisions and teaching materials, but not software implementing the specification).
  3. Agree to these terms for yourself and your employer (if applicable) and represent that you have the authority to do so.

You are not making any other warranty, and your issue or bug report and any suggested correction that OMG may incorporate into a specification will be accepted by OMG "as is". If you do not wish to (or cannot) comply with these terms then do not select "I agree", but instead contact OMG by email or phone at the addresses on the OMG home page, and we will put you in touch with our technical or legal experts to discuss how to proceed.

"I agree"

About The Specification:

If you know the document number, please use the following syntax: subgroup/YY-MM-XX
Please select the specification the issue affects

Issues Being Reported:

Very short, one line description, the title of the issue
Full Description Of The Issue. You can use JIRA wiki syntax but you will not be able to preview the result in this page.
Please indicate whether the lack of an official resolution of this issue is preventing implementation work.