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XTCE12 — SplineCalibrator order attribute too restrictive

  • Key: XTCE12-57
  • Legacy Issue Number: 18537
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Boeing ( Mr. David Overeem)
  • Summary:

    As previously discussed, the @order attribute of the <SplineCalibrator> relates to the fit funtion that is used for interpolation and extrapolation.

    Interpolation is implied when the @order attribute is used. Extrapolation has an explicit attribute.

    Setting the order to zero effectively creates a "step" function, as the fit function is limited to zeroth order behavior. First order behavior creates a linear function, otherwise called a "point to point". Second order would be a quadratic, etc.

    The schema allows only positive integers for the @order attribute. This should be non-negative integer.

  • Reported: XTCE 1.1 — Fri, 8 Mar 2013 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — XTCE 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    Update the data type for the @order in Spline Calibrators

    Proposed is to change the numeric type of the @order in the SplineCalibrator element. The 1.1 definition for this attribute is:

    <element name="SplineCalibrator">
    <documentation xml:lang="en">A calibration type where a segmented line in a raw vs calibrated plane is described using a set of points. Raw values are converted to calibrated values by finding a position on the line corresponding to the raw value. The algorithm triggers on the input parameter.</documentation>
    <element name="SplinePoint" type="xtce:SplinePointType" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <attribute name="order" type="positiveInteger" default="1"/>
    <attribute name="extrapolate" type="boolean" default="false"/>

    The change would update the following:

    <attribute name="order" type="xtce:nonNegativeLongType" default="1"/>

    Also add the possibility for the SplinePoint element to override the @order on the SplineCalibrator. This should be specified on the first point in a pair if desired for the pair itself to be treated as a different @order than the SplineCalibrator overall. This assures backwards compatibility and simplifies the most common use case. Here is the update SplinePointType with the new attribute.

    <complexType name="SplinePointType">
    <documentation xml:lang="en">a spline is a set of points from which a curve may be drawn to interpolate raw to calibrated values</documentation>
    <attribute name="order" type="xtce:nonNegativeLongType" use="optional">
    <attribute name="raw" type="double" use="required"/>
    <attribute name="calibrated" type="double" use="required"/>

  • Updated: Tue, 10 Jul 2018 14:22 GMT