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  1. OMG Issue

XMI21 — element /xmi:XMI/xmi:Documentation/@xmi:Exporter

  • Key: XMI21-26
  • Legacy Issue Number: 10773
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Anonymous
  • Summary:

    There is another bug in the XMI:

    The element /xmi:XMI/xmi:Documentation/@xmi:Exporter should be in lower case according to the OMG XMI v2.1 specification. The element should be renamed "exporter".

    This can be verified at http://www.omg.org/docs/formal/05-09-01.pdf on indicated page 11 (page 23 of the PDF).

    The same bug is present for /xmi:XMI/xmi:Documentation/@xmi:ExporterVersion, which also needs turning into lower case.

    This bug seems prevalent throughout the MagicDraw XMI.

  • Reported: XMI 2.1 — Thu, 15 Feb 2007 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — XMI 2.1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    No Data Available

  • Updated: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 21:38 GMT