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XMI12 — Editorial: Fix up the cross-references.

  • Key: XMI12-66
  • Legacy Issue Number: 3886
  • Status: open  
  • Source: DSTC ( Stephen Crawley)
  • Summary:

    There are a number of missing and broken cross-references in
    For example:

    • the Glossary refers to "MOF 1.x",
    • the Compliance chapter contains references to [SAX reference],
      [XMI reference] and so on.
    • the Compliance has a cross reference to "Section ." (sic) and
      to "rulesets in Section 6" which should be 7.

    And so on.

  • Reported: XMI 1.1 — Thu, 21 Sep 2000 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 11:11 GMT