Key: XMI12-32
Legacy Issue Number: 4603
Status: open
Source: Adaptive ( Mr. Pete Rivett)
Several points, the first 3 of which seem to concern the implicit use of a
UML Profile which is not documented, and is not the UML Profile for CORBA
(ad/00-05-07) which one might expect to be used for this:
a) The diagram shows class Address with a stereotype of <<struct>> which is
presumably part of a stereotype uses a UML Profile which is not indicated or
documented in the CCM Spec referred to.
b) Para 2 states that "The Base IDL metamodel should subclass MOF:DataType."
which is not clear (a metamodel cannot be a subclass of a MOF Class). Later
on the statement is made that "Since Address is a definition of a struct, it
is an instance of the IDL metaclass StructDef" without any reasoning. This
would require a mapping between the stereotype in the UML Profile and an IDL
MOF model.
c) It's not clear how the example model would be created: UML requires the
'type' reference of an Attribute to refer to an instance of UML::Classifier.
Does BaseIDL.StructDef inherit from UML::Classifier? With the use of a
profile/stereotype one would end up with an instance of Class with an
attached stereotype of <<struct>>. There's a lot that's not made clear.
d) It would be far more useful to show a UML diagram for StructDef, or even
a fragment of MOF XMI, than a block of DTD which is not adequate as a
metamodel definition - especially in a specification that is supposed to
be describing how to create DTDs from a metamodel. -
Reported: XMI 1.1 — Mon, 8 Oct 2001 04:00 GMT
Updated: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 11:12 GMT