Key: WSDL2C-18
Legacy Issue Number: 7744
Status: closed
Source: Anonymous
In the example:
<portType name="Example.SomeInterface">
<operation name="bar" parameterOrder="_target pi">
<input message="tns:Example.SomeInterface.bar"/>
<output message="tns:Example.SomeInterface.barResponse"/>
<fault message="_exception.Example.BadRecord"/>
<fault message="_exception.Example.UnknownError"/>
<fault message=¡±tns:CORBA.SystemException¡±/>
Most of the WSDL2java tool will use element'name' as a parameter's name. So, on receiving the WSDL as above (page
1-25), most WSDL2java tool will report an error in process for mapping WSDL to java.Proposed solution: Maybe we should add a 'name' attribute in the fault element. For example, consider the
{ String why; }
following IDL:
module Example{
exception BadRecord;
{ Long bar(in float pi) raises(BadRecord),UnknownError }
Interface SomeInterface}
It should be mapped to:
<portType name="example.SomeInterface">
<operation name="bar" >
<input message="tns:Example.SomeInterface.bar" />
<output message="tns:Example.SomeInterface.barResonse"/>
<fault message="_exception.Wxample.BadRecord" name="badRecord"/>
<fault message="_exception.Example.UnknownError" name="error"/>
<fault message="tns:CORBA.SystemException" name="systemError"/>
</portType> -
Reported: WSDL2C 1.0b1 — Mon, 13 Sep 2004 04:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — WSDL2C 1.0
Disposition Summary:
: Accept proposed change from source
Updated: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 04:08 GMT