Key: UTP12-13
Legacy Issue Number: 16901
Status: open
Source: Fraunhofer FOKUS ( Mr. Marc-Florian Wendland)
In situations where components already exist which shall be reused for the test architecture, it is contra-productive that test component only extends StructuredClassifier. This requires always the creation of a completely new test component (maybe using generalization) for the test architecture.
Treating TestComponent, in addition to its current representation, similar to <<SUT>> (which extends Property) would result in more flexibility since existing classifier can be reused for being both the SUT and a TestComponent in different tets context.
This is in particular helpful for reusing existing classifier.This way would ot restrict the situation where completely new tets component classifiers must be created (maybe though generalization from already existing classifier in the system model). Current approaches would not become invalid, in contrast, this would result in a more precise and clear test configuration.
Reported: UTP 1.1 — Wed, 14 Dec 2011 05:00 GMT
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:59 GMT
UTP12 — TestComponent stereotype should extend Property
- Key: UTP12-13
- OMG Task Force: UML Testing Profile 1.2 (UTP) RTF