UPOS 1.16b2 FTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

UPOS116_ — Several issues are pointed out for the UPOS1.16 FTF however they are for the UPOS1.15beta2 issues.

  • Key: UPOS116_-23
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Microsoft ( Mr. Tadashi Furuhata)
  • Summary:

    Some issues are corrected from dtc-18-12-20 to smsc-20-02.01.
    However still several issues are remaining.

    1) 15.2 Summary CapDailyLogType was incorrect
    2) 15.6.6 TransitionEvent TransitionEvent Updated timing is incorrect
    3) 14.4.48 DailyLog Property In this section See also description format is incorrect.
    4) 14.4.55 PaymentCondition Property This section's description format is incorrect.
    5) 15.4.56 PaymentDetail Property This property's updated timing is incorrect.
    6) 16.3 General Information German Fiscal Information was missing.
    7) Each section's Format is not good shape
    Added or Updated line description should be in 1 line not 2 lines.
    Need to add the ruled line in the parameter, value and meaning section.

  • Reported: UPOS 1.15 — Tue, 3 Mar 2020 06:35 GMT
  • Disposition: Closed; No Change — UPOS 1.16b2
  • Disposition Summary:

    *All of required correction and editing was completed. *

    All of issues are resolved by the proposal of UPOS116-1.
    Therefore, this issue is also resolved.

  • Updated: Thu, 1 Apr 2021 20:58 GMT
  • Attachments: