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  1. OMG Issue

UMLR — Suggested improvement to description of "BehavioralFeature::isDistinguishableFrom()"

  • Key: UMLR-837
  • Status: open  
  • Source: N/A ( Robert Hairgrove)
  • Summary:

    In the UML 2.5.1 specification document on page 173 of the PDF file in section section "Operations" of BehavioralFeature, the textual description of "isDistinguishableFrom()" does not fit 100% with the OCL implementation given.

    The description currently reads:

    The query isDistinguishableFrom() determines whether two
    BehavioralFeatures may coexist in the same Namespace. It specifies
    that they must have different signatures.

    Obviously, if they have different names, then they are also distinguishable from each other. This is the first element of the Tuple which is generated in the body of the query:

    body: (n.oclIsKindOf(BehavioralFeature) and ns.getNamesOfMember(self)-
    >intersection(ns.getNamesOfMember)->notEmpty()) implies

    Unknown macro: {self}


    Unknown macro: {, type=p.type,effect=p.effect,direction=p.direction,isException=p.isException, isStream=p.isStream,isOrdered=p.isOrdered,isUnique=p.isUnique,lower=p.lower, upper=p.upper }


    My suggested improvement of the description:

    The query isDistinguishableFrom() determines whether two
    BehavioralFeatures may coexist in the same Namespace. It specifies
    that they must have different names, or different signatures if their
    names are the same.

  • Reported: UML 2.5.1 — Mon, 19 Aug 2024 16:44 GMT
  • Updated: Wed, 4 Sep 2024 14:22 GMT