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UMLR — Unclear wording about Stereotypes and ownership of their Properties

  • Key: UMLR-831
  • Status: open  
  • Source: N/A ( Robert Hairgrove)
  • Summary:

    On page 301-302 under section Stereotypes, there is this sentence on p. 302:

    "The type of a composite aggregation Stereotype Property cannot be a Stereotype (since Stereotypes are owned by their Extensions) or a metaclass (since instances of metaclasses are owned by other instances of metaclasses)..."

    I believe that this wording can be improved. A Stereotype must be owned by a Profile, either directly or indirectly through a Package owned by a Profile. This is stated on p. 322 in section "Operations" of Stereotypes under the description of the "profile()" operation.

    To avoid confusion, the first quoted sentence could be worded like this:

    "The type of a composite aggregation Stereotype Property cannot be a Stereotype (since Stereotype *Properties* are owned by their Extensions)..."

    or perhaps better like this:

    "The type of a composite aggregation Stereotype Property cannot be a Stereotype (since Stereotype *instances* are owned by their Extensions)..."

    The ownership of instances of a Stereotype is defined in the last bulleted list item under section "MOF-Equivalent Semantics" on p. 297-298 says: "An instance of a Stereotype (...) maps to an instance of the CMOF class representing the Stereotype. This stereotype instance is compositionally associated with the Element to which it applies using a Link that is an instance of the composite Association to which the Extension is mapped."

    I assume that this was the intended meaning?

  • Reported: UML 2.5.1 — Sat, 6 Jul 2024 14:29 GMT
  • Updated: Tue, 9 Jul 2024 17:32 GMT