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  1. OMG Issue

UMLR — Inconsistent constraints about several kinds of UML Diagrams

  • Key: UMLR-701
  • Status: open  
  • Source: NASA ( Dr. Nicolas F. Rouquette)
  • Summary:

    In UML 2.5, Annex B.7.13.6 (UMLDiagram, Constraints) states:

    • heading_modelElement
      The modelElement of the heading is the same as the modelElement of the diagram it heads.
    inv: (heading->isEmpty()) or (heading.modelElement = modelElement)

    However, several specializations of UMLDiagram are constrained to have no model element:

    • UMLClassDiagram (B.7.6.3)
    • UMLComponentDiagram (B.7.10.3)
    • UMLDeploymentDiagram (B.7.12.3)
    • UMLObjectDiagram (B.7.26.3)
    • UMLPackageDiagram (B.7.27.3)
    • UMLProfileDiagram (B.7.28.3)
    • UMLUseCaseDiagram (B.7.37.3)

    The constraint from B.7.3.16 means that all the above diagrams cannot have any heading, which is inconsistent with the descriptions of these diagrams in Annex A and elsewhere in the spec.

  • Reported: UML 2.5 — Mon, 18 Jul 2016 01:57 GMT
  • Updated: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 15:22 GMT