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  1. OMG Issue

UML25 — Name without a colon for Property in Composite Structures

  • Key: UML25-583
  • Legacy Issue Number: 7624
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Thematix Partners LLC ( Mr. Roger Burkhart)
  • Summary:

    In Composite Structures, under 9.3.12 Property, the following
    paragraph under "Presentation Options" under "Notation" is
    inconsistent with the rest of UML in creating a special
    interpretation of a missing notation element:

    "A property symbol may be shown containing just a single name
    (without the colon) in its name string. This implies the
    definition of an anonymously named class nested within the
    namespace of the containing class. The part has this anonymous
    class as its type. Every occurrence of an anonymous class is
    different from any other occurrence. The anonymously defined
    class has the properties specified with the part symbol. It is
    allowed to show compartments defining attributes and operations
    of the anonymously named class."

    The simple omission of notation elements is part of the option
    in virtually all UML diagrams to elide elements that aren't
    relevant or are defined and shown on other diagram views.
    Implying something to be created by the absence of an
    element breaks from user expectations.

    In this case, the most natural expectation of a simple name on
    a property box, without any colon, is that the string is just
    the name of the part or property, and that the type for the
    name, ordinarily shown using a ":Type" string, has been omitted
    from the diagram.

    The simplest way to resolve this issue is just to remove this
    paragraph from the specification. The specification would then
    revert to the default interpretation of a missing notation
    element, which is just that it isn't shown on a particular
    diagram view, not that it doesn't exist.

    The application of Composite Structure diagrams to systems
    engineering, in response to the UML for Systems Engineering
    RFP, expects to use all the flexibility that UML provides to
    include or not include diagram elements on particular views
    of a complex system, to avoid cluttering the many partial
    views that might be needed. Resolution of this issue is
    essential to avoid having a different rule for a name without
    a colon in standard UML vs. its application to systems

  • Reported: UML 1.4.2 — Fri, 6 Aug 2004 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — UML 2.5
  • Disposition Summary:

    The BNF for Property does make the [’:’ <prop-type>] optional, so this is indeed an inconsistency in the
    spec. Delete the offending paragraph

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:59 GMT