Key: UML241-45
Legacy Issue Number: 7590
Status: open
Source: TMNA Services ( Jim Schardt)
I am putting together an example of a sequence diagram using the loop
combinedFragment. The spec seems confusing. Just where does a guard
condition that is not the minint or maxint get placed?According the CombinedFragemt definition, I can describe a minimum and
maximum number of times to perform the loop. "The Guard may include a lower
and an upper number of iterations of the loop as well as a Boolean
expression." I can also describe a guard condition. However, the notation
describes a syntax like LOOP (minint, maxint) with no extra guard.Do I place the extra guard as an interaction constraint in a region as shown
in figure 333. Is this allowed? Do I only get one interaction constraint
(either the min,maxint or the separate interaction constraint in the body of
the loop combined fragment?I would like to say something like LOOP 1, * [status = notFound] or LOOP
(1,*,status = notFound). I suppose I could say LOOP (1,[status = notFound]).
All of these should say that the loop interaction is performed at least
once. After that if the status is "notFound" then the loop continues
otherwise the loop terminates. -
Reported: UML 1.4.2 — Mon, 12 Jul 2004 04:00 GMT
Updated: Fri, 19 Aug 2016 09:33 GMT