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  1. OMG Issue

UML241 — ProfileApplication::appliedProfile as "importedProfile" instead of "appliedProfile"

  • Key: UML241-18
  • Legacy Issue Number: 16400
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: NASA ( Dr. Nicolas F. Rouquette)
  • Summary:

    I noticed that all normative UML2.x infrastructure and superstructure documents have the same bug:

    In ProfileApplications, under Associations, the following property is incorrect:

    • importedProfile: Profile [1]
    References the Profiles that are applied to a Package through this ProfileApplication.
    Subsets PackageImport::importedPackage

    It should describe the following property ProfileApplication::appliedProfile : Profile[1] as follows:

    appliedProfile : Profile[1]
    References the Profile that is applied to a Package through this ProfileApplication.
    Subsets DirectedRelationship::target

    In the UML2.xInfrastructure metamodel and the 2.4 beta2 merged metamodel
    the documentation for ProfileApplication::appliedProfile should be changed from:

    References the Profiles that are applied to a Package through this ProfileApplication.


    References the Profile that is applied to a Package through this ProfileApplication.

    This affects the following documents:

    UML2.4 Infrastructure & Superstructure beta2 (ptc/2010-11-16 and ptc/2010-11-14)
    UML2.3 Infrastructure & Superstructure (formal/2010-05-03 and formal/2010-05-05)
    UML2.2 Infrastructure & Superstructure (formal/2009-02-04 and formal/2009-02-02)
    UML2.1.2 Infrastructure & Superstructure (formal/2007-11-04 and formal/2011-11-02)
    UML2.1.1 Infrastructure & Superstructure (formal/2007-02-06 and formal/2007-02-05)
    UML2.0 Infrastructure & Superstructure (formal/2005-07-04 and formal/2005-07-05)

    This affects the following normative files:

    The same bug is also in the Documents/Specifications/2.4/Deliverable files in SVN revision 21132

  • Reported: UML 2.4 — Fri, 29 Jul 2011 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — UML 2.4.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    This issue has already been resolved by, or no longer applies to, the UML 2.5 Beta 1 specification.
    Disposition: Closed - No Change

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT