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  1. OMG Issue

UML22 — Invalid redefinitions introduced into metamodel

  • Key: UML22-265
  • Legacy Issue Number: 10079
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Adaptive ( Mr. Pete Rivett)
  • Summary:

    There seem to be cases where redefinitions have appeared in the metamodel that were not in the spec. I think something is needed but overall I think subsetting is probably more appropriate for these cases.

    It appears that these redefinitions between non-navigable properties (owned by associations) may have been inadvertently introduced by the tool processing the metamodel before the ends were assigned names. In the first example I suspect that the opposites of DirectedRelationship::target and Generalization::general were detected as being involved in an implicit redefinition because their names were empty (the same). The tool can probably be tweaked to produce a complete list of such redefinitions which we can then itemize and remove to resolve this issue..

    The cause of the second example is the same, but was likely introduced before Package::ownedMember was renamed to Package::packagedElement and never cleaned up.

    For example, in Fig 7.9, the Classifiers diagram, the end opposite to Generalization::general is completely unlabeled. But in the metamodel we have
    <ownedEnd xmi:type="cmof:Property" xmi:id="A_general_generalization-generalization" name="generalization" type="Generalization" association="A_general_generalization" redefinedProperty="A_target_directedRelationship-directedRelationship"/>

    I'm not sure I see the need for a redefinition here - especially when its sibling (Classifier-generalization) is as follows and has no such redefinition:

    <ownedAttribute xmi:type="cmof:Property" xmi:id="Classifier-generalization" name="generalization" lower="0" upper="*" type="Generalization" association="A_generalization_specific" subsettedProperty="Element-ownedElement" isComposite="true">

    This has no reference at all to the general Association A_source_directedRelationship - to be consistent I would have expected redefinedProperty="A_source_directedRelationship-directedRelationship. As I mentioned at the start though a subsets seems more appropriate - since the other ends use

    {subsets source}


    One that has an additional problem is the following:

    <ownedMember xmi:type="cmof:Association" xmi:id="A_ownedStereotype_profile" name="A_ownedStereotype_profile" general="A_packagedElement_owningPackage" memberEnd="Profile-ownedStereotype A_ownedStereotype_profile-profile">
    <ownedEnd xmi:type="cmof:Property" xmi:id="A_ownedStereotype_profile-profile" name="profile" type="Profile" association="A_ownedStereotype_profile" redefinedProperty="A_member_namespace-namespace"/>

    Here the Association inherits from A_packagedElement_owningPackage but the End redefines A_member_namespace-namespace which is not even a direct member of the specialized Association - and furthermore is a derivedUnion - so we have no real Slot to base the end on. If anything I would have expected a redefine of A_packagedElement_owningPackage-owningPackage

  • Reported: UML 2.1 — Wed, 2 Aug 2006 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — UML 2.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    No Data Available

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT