Key: UML14-95
Legacy Issue Number: 4946
Status: closed
Source: Adaptive ( Mr. Pete Rivett)
In the case of MOF 1.4 there are far more important reasons for moving to
it. The main change in MOF 1.4 is a 'proper' modeled datatype system as
opposed to CORBA datatypes hidden away in typeCodes. Because of this:
a) MOF 1.4 is the basis of the Java Metadata Interface (JMI) which provides
Java APIs to metamodels and is being adopted by a number of repository and
UML tool vendors. Without an official version of UML expressed in MOF 1.4
people will have to do their own conversion with subsequent interoperability
problemsb) MOF 1.4 is also the basis of XMI 1.2 and XMI 2.0 (XMI for XML Schemas).
Without being expressed in MOF 1.4, the UML interchange definition cannot be
expressed as an XML Schema.c) the proper datatype model provides the opportunity to 'clean up' a
number of datatype-related issues in UML (e.g. issue 4452). And represent
UML's datatypes such as Multiplicity and MultiplicityRange as MOF
(structure) datatypes rather than MOF classes.I would expect this to only affect the UML 1.4.1 Concrete metamodel. I would
be willing to draft a proposal for this. Is there a version of this with
already-agreed 1.4.1 changes incorporated? -
Reported: XMI 1.3 — Thu, 7 Mar 2002 05:00 GMT
Disposition: Resolved — UML 1.4.2
Disposition Summary:
No Data Available
Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT