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  1. OMG Issue

TEX11 — Different users require different categorization data for the same entity

  • Key: TEX11-11
  • Status: closed   Implementation work Blocked
  • Source: BAE SYSTEMS ( Mr. Simon Mettrick)
  • Summary:

    Different users (e.g. actual operators or other client software such tactical decision aids) may require / prefer different categorization representations. However, the Entity data model forces a choice of selecting a single option on the publisher.
    Consequently, the logic for how to convert between different representations may become spread around different components of a system.
    A better system architecture is to have knowledge and functionality with the producer of the data. That component can best judge the equivalence of different representations in the context of their own data.
    This is a PSM issue; the DataSink interface has an EntityQuery filter that can be used to specify the Categorization variant in a PSM that actively services the request (i.e. isn't publish/subscribe). For a pub/sub PSM such as DDS it would be necessary to anticipate the Categorization demands in advance (when publishing), so that all variants are published.

    Therefore, the needs of this issue can be satisfied by having the DDS PSM of the DataSink interface publish Entities ...

  • Reported: TEX 1.0 — Mon, 6 Feb 2023 18:08 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — $issue.fixedSpecification.name
  • Disposition Summary:

    Categorization Data to be a struct of optional attributes

    A better system architecture is to have knowledge and functionality with the producer of the data. That component can best judge the equivalence of different representations in the context of their own data.
    The producer (publisher) of the entity should set all applicable categorization representations that the producer supports. Users (subscribers) process their preferred representation from the set of representations offered for the entity by the publisher.
    In the Group interface (DataSink service) querying entities should include a categorization data filter - so DataSink clients get entities with the expected kind of categorization.
    In the DDS PSM this is realised by the instantiation of a topic for each categorization kind (APP6B, 2525D, 5516 etc.); each topic instance has a different name made unique with a suffix based on the categorization kind.
    In the C# PSM the categorization kind is a parameter on instantiating a listener.
    In the HTTP PSM the categorization kind is an additional level in the request URL for an entity.

  • Updated: Tue, 9 Jan 2024 19:40 GMT