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TCI11 — Modify the comments in ContainQuery

  • Key: TCI11-15
  • Legacy Issue Number: 17055
  • Status: open  
  • Source: SimVentions ( Mr. Matthew Wilson)
  • Summary:

    Severity: Support Text

    Summary: The comments of this class reference state this:

    Containment is determined by using the Entity's Geometry as an argument to the contains() method on the Geometry specified by this Query, i.e., this.satisfies( entity ) = this.getGeometry().contains( entity.getGeometry() )

    This is not possible, however. The entity class has no “Geometry” in its interface. If it were present, the Geometry interface does not provide enough information to evaluate such a query.

    The Geometry class “contains” method accepts a GeodeticPosition, not a Geometry. By adding the “getReferencePoint” method to entity (as proposed by issue XXXX) and modifying the comment on this method

    Change the comment to a more accurate description of how to use it. For example: Containment is determined by checking whether or not an entity’s reference point (GeodeticPosition) is contained within a specific Geometry, i.e. this.satisfies(entity) = this.getGeometry().contains(entity.getReferencePoint()).

    Revised Text:
    Section changed the description / comment for the method to
    “Containment is determined by checking whether or not an entity’s reference point (GeodeticPosition) is contained within a specific Geometry, i.e. this.satisfies(entity) = this.getGeometry().contains(entity.getReferencePoint()).”

  • Reported: TCI 1.0b2 — Thu, 26 Jan 2012 05:00 GMT
  • Updated: Wed, 1 Feb 2023 21:57 GMT