Key: SYSML2_-460
Status: open
Source: Dassault Systemes ( Mr. Tomas Juknevicius)
There are inconsistencies between table examples and the Graphical BNF due to compartments being displayed that are not specified in the BNF:
- Table 4. Definition and Usage - Representative Notation table (specifically the Variant Parts Compartment element) - 'variant parts' compartment is not specified
- In section (Definition and Usage Graphical Notation), only two compartments for displaying variants are specified.
- Table 7. Occurrences - Representative Notation table (specifically the Individuals Compartment (parts) element) - 'individual parts' compartment is not specified.
- The Graphical BNF ( Occurrences Graphical Notation) specifies only an "individuals" compartment.
- Table 11. Connections - Representative Notation table (specifically the Flows Compartment element) - 'flows' compartment is not specified, and the graphical example is also not displayed.
- Table 13. Allocations - Representative Notation table (specifically the Allocated Compartment element) - 'allocated' compartment is not specified.
- In the Graphical BNF (section Allocations Graphical Notation), only one compartment, allocations, is specified.
- Table 16. States - Representative Notation table (specifically the Exhibit States Compartment and Exhibited By Compartment elements) - the 'exhibits' and 'exhibited by' compartments are not specified.
- A Annex: Example Model section in 'Requirements Group vehicleSpecification' view - the 'references' compartment is not specified.
- A Annex: Example Model section in ' Part Definition for FuelTank Referencing Fuel it Stores' view - the 'operator expressions' compartment is not specified.
- Table 4. Definition and Usage - Representative Notation table (specifically the Variant Parts Compartment element) - 'variant parts' compartment is not specified
Reported: SysML 2.0b2 — Mon, 30 Dec 2024 09:07 GMT
Updated: Mon, 24 Feb 2025 01:00 GMT
SYSML2_ — Compartments are not specified in BNF
- Key: SYSML2_-460
- OMG Task Force: Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 2.0 FTF 2