Key: SYSML2_-448
Status: open
Source: Dassault Systemes ( Mr. Tomas Juknevicius)
The Swimlane element is described in the specification as containing two elements: Usage-name-compartment and action-flow-node. However, several issues arise with this definition:
The issues regarding the Swimlane:- The Usage-name-compartment is not specified.
- The specification does not provide any details or clarification for the Usage-name-compartment element, leaving its definition ambiguous.
- Incomplete action-flow-node Definition
- The definition of action-flow-node excludes relationships and action usages.
- It currently includes only the following:
action-flow-node = start-node | done-node | fork-node | join-node | decision-node | merge-node | send-action-node | accept-action-node | while-loop-action-node | for-loop-action-node | if-else-action-node | assign-action-node
- Missing Compartment Declaration in Swimlane Specification
- Examples in Table 14. Actions - Representative Notation display a compartment named perform actions within the Swimlane.
- The specification, however, does not declare that such a compartment can be displayed, leading to inconsistency
- The Usage-name-compartment is not specified.
Reported: SysML 2.0b2 — Wed, 18 Dec 2024 11:29 GMT
Updated: Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:59 GMT
SYSML2_ — Issues with the 'Swimlane' Element Specification
- Key: SYSML2_-448
- OMG Task Force: Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 2.0 FTF 2