Key: SYSML2_-324
Status: open
Source: sodiuswillert.com ( Mr. Eran Gery)
Table 13 shows an example of a composite allocation. Part allocation owns an allocation between performed actions.
The graphical notation shows an allocation edge between perform edges, owned by an allocation edge between parts.
It is for sure confusing, and not sure if the textual notation that saysallocate part1.action1 to part2.action2;
is correct, provided that action1 and action2 are performed but not owned actions.
Even if technically correct, it would be better to present a clearer and simpler example of composite allocations. -
Reported: SysML 2.0b2 — Mon, 23 Sep 2024 08:54 GMT
Updated: Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:56 GMT
SYSML2_ — Representative notation example for allocation confusing/wrong?
- Key: SYSML2_-324
- OMG Task Force: Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 2.0 FTF 2