SysML 2.0b3 FTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

SYSML2_ — StateAction::substates has an implied subsetting of exclusiveStates

  • Key: SYSML2_-184
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Model Driven Solutions ( Mr. Ed Seidewitz)
  • Summary:

    According to the constraint checkStateUsageExclusiveStateSpecialization (in, a substate of a non-parallel owning state definition or usage must specialize StateAction::exclusiveStates (at least according to the description of the constraint; the OCL is wrong, see SYSML2_-183). However, the feature StateAction::substates actually meets the requirements for the application of checkStateUsageExclusiveSpecialization, which means that it has an implied specialization of exclusiveStates. But exclusiveStates already subsets substates (at least according to the library model in States.sysml; the feature exclusiveStates seems to be missing from subclause StateAction), so this would mean that all substates are exclusiveStates, which is, of course, incorrect for the semantics of parallel states.

  • Reported: SysML 2.0b2 — Wed, 1 May 2024 20:57 GMT
  • Updated: Sun, 7 Jul 2024 23:19 GMT