Key: SYSML2-23
Status: open
Source: oose Innovative Informatik eG ( Mr. Tim Weilkiens)
- The example of a target SysML v2 textual syntax is not correct. The parameters target and object should be redefined. The others are defined in the library and directly connected by target elements of an object flow mapping.
Update description: action thisIsAAddStructuralFeatureValueAction : SysMLv1Library::AddStructuralFeatureValueAction {
:>> target := object.thisIsAnAttribute;
:>> object : ThisIsABlock;
} - The pins of the action should not be transformed, because their target elements are already defined in the SysMLv1Library.
- The mapping of an object flow to pins of the action does not work. The target element is defined in the SysMLv1lLbrary.
- Remove ASFVATargetReferenceUsage_Mapping::declaredName(), because the name must not be set. It is already defined in the SysMLv1Library
- Redefinition of parameter SysMLv1Library::AddActionValue::target is missing
- Redefinition of parameter SysMLv1Library::AddStructuralFeatureValueActionValue::object is missing
- Usage of ASFVATargetFeatureValueExpressionMembership_Mapping in ASFVATargetFeatureChainExpression_Mapping should be ASFVATargetParameterExpressionMembership_Mapping
- Use the AssignmentAction factory classes from
SYSML2-4instead of ASFVATargetAsignmentActionUsage_Mapping - Transformation links the object to the target but should be the structural feature
- ASFVATargetParameterExpressionFeature_Mapping has no ownedRelationships, therefore remove the operation ownedRelationship()
- Update ObjectFlowItemFlowEndReferenceUsage_Mapping to properly set the targets of object flows to pins of the AddStructuralFeatureValueAction
- ASFVAObjectReferenceUsage_Mapping should specialize UniqueMapping, because the mapping class is used twice, but should generate only one element.
- The example of a target SysML v2 textual syntax is not correct. The parameters target and object should be redefined. The others are defined in the library and directly connected by target elements of an object flow mapping.
Reported: SysML 2.0a1 — Sat, 22 Apr 2023 14:34 GMT
Updated: Mon, 8 Apr 2024 18:21 GMT
SYSML2 — Transformation of UML4SysML::AddStructuralFeatureValueAction is not correct
- Key: SYSML2-23
- OMG Task Force: Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 2.0 FTF