SPMS 1.3b1 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

SPMS13 — MultiplicityStyle options are discussed in Section 12.6, not in the locations where cause effect

  • Key: SPMS13-5
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Object Management Group ( Dr. Jason McC. Smith)
  • Summary:

    Section 12.6 discusses Multiplicity of PINboxes and Equalities, but does so a bit oddly. While it may have made sense to discuss the topic in one place, the effects are seen in PINbox, Equality, and BindingGlyph classes. It probably makes more sense (particularly for PINbox, where the Stacked view is dependent not on an explicit enum, but on an implicit multiplicity of its instances association), to move this discussion into the relevant sections.

    Only moving the PINbox discussion would be acceptable, but clarifying text ought to be added to Equality and BindingGlyph as well.

    Leaving the bulk of the Equality and BindingGlyph discussion in Sec 12.6 would then make sense, and it, coupled with Sec 12.7, would make for a good set of topics for guidance on visualization techniques that do not directly rely on the metamodel. (Peeling & Coalescing in particular is a UX behavior that does not currently have a reflection in the metamodel.)

  • Reported: SPMS 1.2 — Mon, 11 Mar 2024 05:11 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 17:13 GMT