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SMM12 — "From" associations on Dimensional Measure/Measurement are poorly described.

  • Key: SMM12-133
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Micro Focus ( Larry Hines)
  • Summary:

    The rankingFrom, gradeFrom, baseMeasureFrom, baseMeasure1From and baseMeasure2From associations of DimensionalMeasure and the rankingFrom, gradeFrom, baseMeasurementFrom, baseMeasurement1From and baseMeasurement2From associations of DimensionalMeasurement are poorly defined. Each reuse the phrase "for this measure" which is confusing. For example, rankingFrom has

    rankingFrom:RankingMeasureRelationship [0..*] Specifies the relationship instance that defines the rankings for this measure. This property subsets the inbound property of Measure.

    Ranking measures are derived from the DimensionMeasure instance. But the definition above doesn't say that. It, instead, implies some kind of ownership of the rankings by the DimensionMeasure instance. We should also use "ranking measure" or "ranking measurement" instead of "ranking" to avoid any confusion between the two concepts.

    The definitions for baseMeasure1From and baseMeasure2From associations of DimensionalMeasure and the baseMeasurement1From and baseMeasurement2From associations of DimensionalMeasurement have an additional problem. These definitions use the undefined term "comparator". For example,

    baseMeasure1From:Base1MeasureRelationship [0..*] Specifies the relationship instance that defines the 1st part of the binary comparator for this measure. This property subsets the inbound property of Measure.
  • Reported: SMM 1.1 — Mon, 8 Feb 2016 18:19 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SMM 1.2
  • Disposition Summary:

    Replace "for" with "derived from" and remove use of comparator

    Fix rankingFrom, gradeFrom, baseMeasureFrom, baseMeasure1From, and baseMeasure2From associations in DimensionalMeasure by replacing "for" with "derived from".

    Replace "aggregations" with "collective measures" and "collective measurements" in 10.12 and 13.6 respectively.

    Fix rankingFrom, gradeFrom and baseMeasurementFrom associations in DimensionalMeasurement by replacing "for" with "derived from".

    Fix baseMeasure1From, and baseMeasure2From associations in DimensionalMeasurement by replacing "comparator for" with "derived from".

  • Updated: Mon, 2 Apr 2018 18:08 GMT