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SMM11 — Improve the definition of derived properties

  • Key: SMM11-164
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19722
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: VDMbee ( Mr. Henk de Man)
  • Summary:

    There are three problems here: 1) Several derived unions (for from, to, inbound and outbound) are not defined correctly, e.g. at specialized level the properties where they are assumed to be derived from are not defined as their subsets. 2) They are defined as derived unions in the model, but not in the association tables in the specification, and 3) in the Association tables of Measure Class (10.5) and Measurement Class (13.1), the description of inbound and outbound both talk about the “to-endpoint”. But one of these two should be “from-endpoint”. This issue supersedes issue 15477 (because it was originally balloted with a resolution that was incorrect, as the actual problem was overlooked).Â

  • Reported: SMM 1.0 — Wed, 11 Feb 2015 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SMM 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    The properties that were so-far named “outbound” and “inbound”, of SmmElement and its specializations, should be derived unions (isDerivedUnion = true), but this requires that, the properties of specialized classes, from which they are derived, should be defined as subsets (subsettedProperty being set to the property that is the union). The “derived union” will make it unambiguous how the derivation is done, and in combination with “subsets” we apply it according to the UML rules. There is one problem in this: UML 2.4.1 (and still the same in UML 2.5) does not allow subsetting of property of same name. Hence we rename SmmRelationship.inbound and SmmRelationship.outbound to SmmRelationship.inRelationships and SmmRelationship.outRelationships respectively.
    Furthermore, to avoid that, at specialized level, classes Measure, Measurement, etc. have inherited property “inRelationship” next to “inbound” and “outRelationship” next to “outbound”, we define “inbound” as “redefines inRelationships” and “outbound” as “redefines outRelationships”.
    The properties “to” and “from” of SmmRelationship and its specializations are no longer derived. What is instead needed is that, at specialized levels, “to” “redefines” “to” of a parent level, and “from” “redefines” “from” of a parent level. This way we enforce that for any SmmRelationship there’s always exactly one “to” and one “from”. The changes implied here will impact both the model (and its diagrams) and the association tables in the corresponding sub-clauses of the specification.
    Furthermore, in the Association tables of Measure Class (10.5) and Measurement Class (13.1), the description of inbound and outbound both talk about the “to-endpoint”. But for outbound it should be the “from-endpoint”.

  • Updated: Wed, 8 Jul 2015 11:44 GMT