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  1. OMG Issue

SMM11 — Apply Timestamp instead of Date and remove Date

  • Key: SMM11-158
  • Legacy Issue Number: 19704
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: VDMbee ( Mr. Henk de Man)
  • Summary:

    SMM 1.0 had both Date (sub-clause 8.8) and Timestamp (sub-clause 8.9) defined. Timestamp was nowhere used as type. Hence, in a previous ballot, we asked to vote for removing Timestamp (per issue 19604, “Remove the TimeStamp primitive type”). Meanwhile we encountered that Date was only used inconsistently. The meta-model diagrams showed Date as type of Observation.whenObserved, but the attributes table in sub-clause 16.2 just specified "date" (small) as type for that attribute. This is obviously wrong and has to be fixed. But this triggered new discussion, that resulted to the conclusion that Observation.whenObserved should not be typed by Date at all, but rather by TimeStamp, because SMM should enable taking snapshots or samples multiple times a day, and not just once a day. (Another reason why this error is only detected so late is the fact that in the SMM implementation of one of the implementers Date was mapped to java.util.Date which is actually a datetime type ...)


    Resolution: Change type of Observation.whenObserved from Date to TimeStamp. Update the attributes table in sub-clause 16.2, as well as all diagrams on which the attribute is exposed, accordingly. Remove Date (sub-clause 8.8), as it will no longer be used then. This issue will then also supersede issue 19604 (“Remove the TimeStamp primitive type”). It will also partly supersede the older issue 15479 (“it should be made clear that Date and Timestamp are PrimitiveTypes”). This issue will still impact the Timestamp class, but no longer the Date class, as it will now be removed.Â

  • Reported: SMM 1.0 — Thu, 15 Jan 2015 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SMM 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    Change type of Observation.whenObserved from Date to TimeStamp. Update the attributes table in Sub-clause 16.2, as well as all diagrams on which the attribute is exposed, accordingly. Remove Date (sub-clause 8.8), as it will no longer be used then. This issue will then also supersede issue 19604 (Remove the TimeStamp primitive type). It will also partly supersede the older issue 15479 (it should be made clear that Date and Timestamp are PrimitiveTypes). This issue will still impact the Timestamp class, but no longer the Date class, as it will now be removed.
    Also make the mapping of TimeStamp to dateTime in XSD explicit in the XMI.

  • Updated: Wed, 8 Jul 2015 11:44 GMT