SCE 1.0b2 FTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

SCE — Reconsider dependency of SCE on other BPM+ specs

  • Key: SCE-18
  • Status: open  
  • Source: Cognitive Medical Systems ( Thomas Beale)
  • Summary:

    The scope of SCE is documented as follows:

    The primary goal of SCE is to provide a set of structural elements that are common to other OMG specifications. The proposed specifications, BKPMN, PPMN, and SDMN, are structured to be dependent on the elements defined in SCE.

    It's unusual that a more foundational spec mentions the dependencies other specs have on it, even if it was originally derived / extracted from such specs. These are likely to be fragile references in the long term, and don't (as far as I can see) add anything useful to the spec. The BKPMN etc specs of course have to mention SCE in their dependencies.

    Whether BPM+ even needs to be mentioned as a dependency is a question in my mind - if SCE provides general capabilities, it is surely useable for all kinds of things, e.g. MDMI.

    Additionally, I might have expected that the SCE model wasn't just defined as 'common things to BKPMN, SDMN and PPMN', but in terms of some coherent capabilities, e.g. 'a simple meta-modelling language' or so. IN section 8.1.5 it is stated that SCE is likely to be used as a basis for building models in languages utilising SCE.

    John Butler response (09-04-2022): Agree with all that. Though I will say that others might ask why we didn’t just use one of the other OMG languages already out there. The fact that the BPM+ languages including BPMN, CMMN and DMN have similar elements is what kind of drove us to this.

    Proposed change:
    consider a more definitional description of what SCE is about, rather than just a collection of elements common to BKPMN etc. Reduce / remove direct conceptual dependency of SCE on those specs such that SCE may serve a more generic purpose within OMG specfications.

  • Reported: SDMN 1.0b1 — Thu, 21 Apr 2022 21:13 GMT
  • Updated: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 18:00 GMT