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SBVR_ — Simple Fixes - editorial issues

  • Key: SBVR_-36
  • Legacy Issue Number: 10569
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Google ( Don Baisley)
  • Summary:

    These simple corrections are combined as one issue.

    In 8.1.2 add “FL” to entries for ‘proposition is true’ and ‘proposition is false’.

    In 8.3.2 move the second Necessity under ‘definition’ that starts “Each closed projection…” into 9.3 and put it in place of the 7th Necessity under ‘closed projection’ which says the same thing but not as well.

    In 8.3.4 move the second Necessity under ‘statement’ that starts “Each closed logical formulation…” into chapter 9 and add it at the bottom under “closed logical formulation” (which is where this Necessity belongs).

    In 8.6.1 add “FL” to the entries for ‘concept has extension’ and ‘concept has instance’.

    In 8.6.2 in the seventh Necessity which says “Each actuality of a fact type involves some thing in each role of the fact type”, add the words “that is an instance” after the word “actuality”.

    In 9.2.3, Figure 9.5, show the inverse reading of “binds to”, which is given in the text as “is bound to”.

    In 9.2.7, Figure 9.9, show the inverse reading of “binds to”, which is given in the text as “is bound to”.

    In 9.2.8, Figure 9.10, show the inverse reading of “binds to”, which is given in the text as “is bound to”.

    In 9.2.9, Figure 9.11, show the inverse reading of “binds to”, which is given in the text as “is bound to”.

    In 9.2.9 remove the Necessity under ‘question nominalization’ and the Necessity under ‘answer nominalization’. They are not necessarily true.

    In 9.3, remove the first Necessity under ‘closed projection’ (“Each closed projection that defines a fact type is a set projection”). It is not necessarily true.

    In 11.2.2, Figure 11.7, show the inverse reading of “is commented on in”, which is given in the text as “comments on”. Or preferably, change “note comments on meaning” to be the preferred fact type form and have no synonymous form – ‘is commented on by’ then becomes the implicit passive voice. The active form ‘comments on’ is used in multiple places. The passive form now given as the primary entry is never used.

    In 12.1, remove the second Necessity under ‘element of governance is directly enforceable’ (“An element of governance that is not directly enforceable is not practicable.”). It is plainly does not hold for structural rules.

    In 13.1, remove the two footnotes about MOF 2 and XMI for MOF 2 being in finalization. Verify that the names given for the specifications of MOF 2 and XMI for MOF 2 are correct.

    In C.1.1.3, change “(often modified to be infinitive)” to “(often modified to be subjunctive)”.

    In C.1.2 in the description of “a given”, replace “demonstrative expression” with “logical formulation”. Add the following sentence to the description: “Within a definition, ‘a given’ introduces an auxiliary variable into the closed projection that formalizes the definition.”

  • Reported: SBVR 1.0b2 — Thu, 4 Jan 2007 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SBVR 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Make the recommended changes except for the change to Figure 9.10 which is already handled in the resolution to Issue 9731 and the change to 12.1 which is already handled in the resolution to Issue 9475.

  • Updated: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 08:56 GMT