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SBVR_ — SBVR Issue: MOF/XMI Vocabulary and Rules Cleanup

  • Key: SBVR_-31
  • Legacy Issue Number: 10528
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Google ( Don Baisley)
  • Summary:

    Here are some minor clean-up items needed in chapter 13. These were discovered in two ways: (1) while generating and verifying a MOF metamodel for SBVR and (2) parsing the chapter contents using Unisys Rules Modeler.

    In 13.1, the entry labeled “Vocabulary to MOF/XMI Vocabulary” shows “Logical Formulation of Semantics Vocabulary” as an included vocabulary. Actually, the vocabulary that needs to be included is the Meaning and Representation Vocabulary. The reference to the Logical Formulation of Semantics Vocabulary appears to be a remnant of a time before the Meaning and Representation Vocabulary was formed. In 13.1, page 159, under the entry for “Vocabulary to MOF/XMI Vocabulary”, change the paragraph that says:

    “Included Vocabulary: Logical Formulation of Semantics Vocabulary”

    to say:

    “Included Vocabulary: Meaning and Representation Vocabulary”.

    Then change the occurrence of “Logical Formulation of Semantics Vocabulary” in the first paragraph of clause 13 to “Meaning and Representation Vocabulary”.

    Also, there is a typo: hyphens are missing in the entry heading. The entry heading should say “Vocabulary-to-MOF/XMI Vocabulary” (and also in the index).

    A fact type is missing from 13.1 that is used by the rules in 13.3. Add the following at the end of 13.1:

    expression1 combines expression2 with expression3

    Definition: the expression1 is the result of concatenating the expression2 to the front of the expression3

    Two fact types are missing that are used by the rules in 13.3. These should be added after ‘property’ in 13.1.2:

    property has lower bound

    property has upper bound

    In 13.1.3 in the entry for “XMI name”, “XMIname” should be “xmiName” in the Source paragraph and in “org.omg.xmi.XMIname” in the Definition. In 13.1.3 in the entry for “XMI name”, change “XMIname” to “xmiName” in the Source paragraph and in “org.omg.xmi.XMIname” in the Definition.

    In 13.3.2, rule 10, change the word “is” to “comes”.

    In 13.3.3 in rule 5 replace the words “text that represents” with “expression of”.

    In 13.3.3 in rule 6 replace the word “represents” with “is the expression of”.

    In 12.3.4 in rule 1 replace “is mapped to” with “maps to” and replace “be mapped to” with “map to”

    Also, 13.3.2 (Designation Mapping Rules) does not have a rule about the XMI name for the attribute of an Instantiation subclass. A new rule is needed, similar to the rule for attributes of Fact subclasses, in order for XMI to work properly for Instantiation subclasses. In 13.3.2 add rule 12 as follows:

    12. The XMI name of the owned attribute of each class that comes from a designation must be derived from the name of the owned attribute.

  • Reported: SBVR 1.0b2 — Wed, 6 Dec 2006 05:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SBVR 1.0
  • Disposition Summary:

    Make the recommended corrections.

  • Updated: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 08:55 GMT