Key: SBVR16-36
Legacy Issue Number: 19332
Status: open
Source: Hendryx & Associates ( Stan Hendryx)
'quantity' is defined informally. A formalization of the existing definition is proposed, along with changes in terminology and related entries that would be affected by the change.
The proposed changes unify some fundamental concepts in SBVR and application domains and significantly enhance the ability to reason about SBVR models.
Full details are provided in a paper I authored but am unable to attach to this message because of limitations of this OMG Web site, which does not accept attachments. Please contact me if you would like to review the paper, and I'll send it by email.
Reported: SBVR 1.2 — Thu, 10 Apr 2014 04:00 GMT
Updated: Tue, 9 Jul 2019 14:49 GMT