SBVR 1.4 RTF Avatar
  1. OMG Issue

SBVR14 — Section: 8.7

  • Key: SBVR14-78
  • Legacy Issue Number: 9943
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Rule ML Initiative ( Mr. Donald R. Chapin)
  • Summary:

    ISSUE: Major Categories of 'Thing' Need to be Related and Made Clear Important in any case, but especially so with the inclusion of 'objects' as vocabulary entires, the major concepts that are subcategories of 'thing' such as 'state of affairs', 'actuality', 'expression', 'res', 'object', (as defined by the terminology community), etc. need to be related and clarified to such the major divisions of 'thing' that are significant in SBVR of SBVR. This will make the real world cornerstone of SVCR much clearer for new audiences.

  • Reported: SBVR 1.0b1 — Mon, 24 Jul 2006 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Deferred — SBVR 1.4b2
  • Disposition Summary:

    Deferred to SBVR v1.5 Revision Task Force because the SBVR v1.4 RTF was requested to close before it was finished so the SBVR RTF could be convert to JIRA.

  • Updated: Thu, 29 Dec 2016 14:45 GMT