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  1. OMG Issue

SBVR11 — "Quantification" Needs to Be Renamed

  • Key: SBVR11-136
  • Legacy Issue Number: 16525
  • Status: closed  
  • Source: Business Rules Group ( Ronald Ross)
  • Summary:

    Problem Statement: "Quantification" is currently defined in Clause 9.2.6 to be a logical formulation. This usage of the term is counterintuitive for several reasons.
    (1) Logical formulations are a way of structuring meaning particular to SBVR.
    (2) "Quantification" can be used to mean the 'process' of projecting, rather than the result of projection, as usually preferred in SBVR.
    (3) "Quantification" should be included in SBVR under its appropriate real-world meaning.


    1. Change each instance of "quantification"" in Clause 9.3 and elsewhere to "quantifying formulae"

    2. Inspect every other instance of "quantification" in SBVR to determine whether it refers to "a quantifying formulae" or to the process of quantification ("quantifying ), and adjust accordingly.

    3. Add a real-world concept definition for "quantification". (It needs to be determined where in SBVR this entry should be included.)

  • Reported: SBVR 1.0 — Fri, 26 Aug 2011 04:00 GMT
  • Disposition: Resolved — SBVR 1.1
  • Disposition Summary:

    SBVR is clear that a ‘quantification’ is a kind of logical formulation and uses the term consistently. Since there is no ambiguity within the SBVR specification or no significant likelihood of misinterpreting the SBVR specification based on a different widely-used meaning for the term, making such a wide-spread change is not justified.
    Any problems regarding another meaning for “quantification” not being included in SBVR requires a separate Issue stating how the SBVR specification is broken.
    Revised Text:
    No change.
    Disposition: Closed, No Change Required

  • Updated: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 20:58 GMT