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RT11 — Ambiguous "SUCCESS" message in RT-CORBA priority bands

  • Key: RT11-2
  • Legacy Issue Number: 4350
  • Status: open  
  • Source: University of California, Irvine ( Carlos O'Ryan)
  • Summary:

    The RT-CORBA specification, even after the FTF modifications
    (pt/00-09-02) reads:

    4.12.2 Binding of Priority Banded Connection

    [6th paragraph]
    .... Having done this the ORB shall send a "SUCCESS" Reply message. If


    No definition for what form this SUCCESS reply should take. One should
    assume that it is a regular GIOP Reply message, with the reply_status set to
    NO_EXCEPTION. The spec is at least misleading, should the string "SUCCESS"
    be returned? Or should a boolean value of "SUCCESS" be returned? Or just
    returning an empty reply is enough?

    Suggested fixes:

    1) Define the _bind_priority_band() [pseudo?-]operation using IDL, that
    would at least clarify the contents of all messages, something like the

    module CORBA {
    // PIDL
    interface Object

    { ... .. void _bind_priority_band (); }


    2) Change the paragraph to read:

    When a Real-Time-ORB receives a _bind_priority_band Request it should

    resources to the connection and configure those resources appropriately to
    the priority

    band indicated in the ServiceContext. Having done this the ORB shall send a
    GIOP Reply

    message with the reply_status field set to NO_EXCEPTION.

  • Reported: RT 1.0 — Mon, 18 Jun 2001 04:00 GMT
  • Updated: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 11:15 GMT